
Mike Mannaart

"The only way to really solve our environmental problems is by means of international cooperation”.

National coordinator of the KIMO network of coastal municipalities in the Netherlands and Belgium and International Lobbyist and Liaison Officer with KIMO International.

Mr. Mannaart is trained in Environmental Sciences (M.Sc., magna cum laude), emphasizing marine and coastal spatial planning in relation to nature policies in the European Union; Environmental Policy Studies (BSc) and Natural Resources Management (Ing/B.Sc.). 

Mr. Mannaart is currently Executive Secretary of KIMO the Netherlands & Belgium and International Liaison Officer with KIMO International. As an additional assignment he currently drafts the national Marine Environment Strategy and Action Plan (MSFD) for Georgia at the Black Sea. Previously, he was acting Managing Director of the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), Vice-Chief Executive of the ECNC Land & Sea Group, Director of CoastInfo International (consultancy bureau) and Director of the Dutch Association for Dune Conservation. He has a particular interest in international cooperation and addressing environmental (coastal, marine and riverine) issues of countries in transition. 

Mr. Mannaart has over 25 years of working experience in providing advice, lecturing and conducting (policy) research in the fields of: environmental (coastal and marine) policy and stakeholder participation and environmental network management, marine litter, sustainable development, (marine and terrestrial) spatial planning, nature development and nature management with emphasis on ecological networks (NATURA 2000) and species management, coastal habitats and wetlands.

He participated in environmental coastal & marine projects from a local to a continental scale and implemented activities in dozens of countries on 4 continents.

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